Once upon a time, when I lived in New York, I thought of myself as something of a fashion maven. No, I did not follow the trends. With a closet like mine, I didn’t have to. You see, I am into fine fabrics, clean lines, exquisite details and neutral colors. My style was my own: man-eater meets librarian meets label whore meets punk rocker, or something like that. The over all affect was spectacular, as I am sure anyone who knows me can tell you.
But these days my closet is nothing to blog about. I mean let’s face it, is any garment truly timeless? Okay, perhaps crotchless panties. But never having owned a pair myself, I wouldn’t know.
Usually, when I ask myself these kinds of questions I turn to style guru Imogen Lamport over at Inside Out Style. As we say in the Rastafarian community, Big Up, Imogen! That lady is a super star. And she has got the best hair on the interwebs. Tell her I sent you.
Anyway, with all of the "Bankrupt. Everything Must Go" sales, I have been toying around with the idea of updating my wardrobe for the first time since the 1990’s. But something happened on my way to the shops. I saw a woman wearing a coat trimmed in fur. Though fur is not my thing, the coat was beautiful. Every detail screamed expensive and the woman herself looked filthy rich. Normally, I would have admired the coat and moved on. Instead I was disgusted. For some reason, I thought that her display of wealth, real or fake, was in bad taste. Further, I had to push back the urge to knock her over the head, take her handbag, and run like hell. Lucky for her, I am still on parole.
Anyway, this me thinking. What am I going to wear during the depression? If we are entering an age where class warfare will be de rigueur, what outfit would honor the times we are living in and reflect my personal style?
The cashmere robe as outerwear?
The bathing suit top as bra?
Hospital Gown as Inauguration couture?
Shopping bags from high end stores as purse?
The choices are overwhelming.
So let me ask you, what are you planning on wearing to the recession?
I'm wearing ratty blue jeans and sweat pants. It sounds comfortable and I already own it, so I don't have to go buy my depression clothes.
crotchless panties and the classic crisp white shirt....
A garbage bag to hop about and defecate in but multi-colored and beaded with the bedazzler. Holla at your boy.
Wow SWC - thanks for the shout out!
I'll be mugging some grannies and taking their cardi's to restyle with some scissors and gaffer tape into something new and funky.
I think I'll choose the mens sweat pants...the old tennis shoes with the mis match neon laces...and a holey t shirt my husband has had since I think he was 12...and a scruncy...nothings says...living in depleted times...like a scrunchy....
BTW...I've left you something over at my place....come by when you can....
First of all - Imogen is the BOMB. She rocks it hard.
And, on the clothing front, I find myself drifting (way) back to my college self: jeans, sneaks, leather jackets, 80s sunglasses, soon-to-be-two-toned hair, bad attitude.
I've lost interest in most of the rest of it...
Fabulous post, as always...
Yet another thought provoking and important post. I hadn't thought of it but this IS a very crucial decision we must make.
Horror of horrors and oh so coincidentally, I read this morning that our tomorrow's are to be filled with "ghost malls", not unlike the ghost towns out West.
This is an urgent call to all of us and photo ops, too! I want lots of pictures of me in my hey day at the mall entrance.
I now have two nice pairs of jeans (which I can't wear since the holidays) and a closet full of stuff that came mostly from Costco and Target. Since I spend most of my time in my house, I was going to buy all that expensive loungewear stuff Oprah always recommends, but that would make me feel like your lady in the fancy coat wearing $200 leggings. The whole depression era thing kind of suits my style anyway, I guess... I don't feel like I need to go change to open door for girl scouts or the exterminator. PS - I gave you an award yesterday - you can check it out on my blog.
I have given you an award - come on by and pick up
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